Use it to find Chat GPT prompts for business ideas. So what kind of ChatGPT prompt should we use to start our business? Since my field is micro SaaS, in this article I will share some prompts with you to find micro SaaS ideas with ChatGPT prompts. In this way, you can find micro SaaS ideas in your field and start working. (What is Micro SaaS?)

You can also access the list of prompts at the end of this article. But first, I will tell you how we wrote these prompts. You will then see the list of prompts. If you’re ready, let’s start.
Although we focus on Micro SaaS, you should know your field. Yes, it’s a method, but it’s not enough. For example, as Uğur KILCI, I like to produce more NoCode B2B tools. I want people who use my products not to have to use their brains intensively. Choose your own field. Niche is good, but too many niches are nasty because more niche means fewer customers.
I’ve realized these days, it’s more critical to niche in the highly competitive field. For example, the computer is very popular, but the laptop is becoming a niche. For example, the telephone is a very competitive field, but extremely expensive phones made for the rich are becoming niche. Or a phone where they block everything that can be harmful from the system with phones made for children. These are ideas that find the blue ocean in a highly competitive space. I’ve been thinking about this issue lately. So choose your own area.
I have a doctor’s friend. In these examples, I will give an example through him. Because it is a profession that is known by everyone and you can easily empathize with yourself.
Now you are a doctor and you want to make a micro SaaS. this is why you shouldn’t be doing a micro SaaS with the exchange! Your field is medicine. That’s why you have to find ideas through medicine. First, I’m going to tell ChatGPT to list micro SaaS ideas for your field.
Chat GPT Prompts: List medical and medical micro SaaS ideas.
It gave me 10 different ideas. These are as follows, in order: 👇
- Appointment Management System
- Electronic Health Records (ESK) System
- Medical Consulting Platform
- Drug Interaction Control
- Medical Education Platform
- Health Tracking App
- Medication Reminder App
- Medical Imaging Analysis
- Medical Research Data Management
- Telepatient Application
These may seem like good ideas, but as someone who has done 3 different Micro SaaS I can tell you “You shouldn’t do every idea“. Because there are so many details you missed. For example, making a product is very easy, but marketing it is difficult. You should also consider how you are going to market. In addition, one of the important features is maintenance.
Let’s take an idea and examine it: The idea of Medical Counseling may look good, but it’s one that you need to keep on top of. Also, you shouldn’t be doing the consulting. You are an entrepreneur. You are not an employee. Therefore, if you set up something that you have to do everything yourself, you may become unable to do your main job. That’s why finding other doctors is so hard to convince them. It is difficult to persuade people. At least that’s what I can say from my own experience.
Now, in light of this information, we should make extra additions to our ChatGPT prompt. What did we say?
- Easy to maintain.
- Able to work on its own.
- Easily marketable.
- A model that will allow a human to work without a task in it.
Let’s rewrite our ChatGPT prompt using these.
Chat GPT Prompts: A model that is easy to maintain, can work alone, can be easily marketed, and will allow a human to work without being tasked; List your micro SaaS ideas for doctors and medicine/health.
- Diagnostic Assistant: A diagnostic aid that analyzes patients’ symptoms using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. This model can offer possible diagnoses regarding specific symptoms and provide accurate referrals to physicians.
- Drug Interaction Analyzer: This model analyzes possible interactions between drugs used by a patient. It assists doctors in identifying potential interaction risks based on a patient’s current medications.
- Health Tracking System: A model that can be integrated with a mobile application or device that monitors a user’s health data (heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, etc.). This model provides the user with feedback and recommendations regarding their health status.
- Risk Assessment Tool: A model that estimates an individual’s risk for certain diseases based on information such as a patient’s genetic profile, lifestyle factors, and medical history. Using this information, doctors can create disease prevention strategies and personalized treatment plans.
- Health Information Platform: An online platform where users can learn about health issues, check symptoms, and get advice. This model uses physicians’ expertise to deliver accurate and up-to-date health information.
- Medication Dosage Assistant: A mobile app or device that helps patients keep track of accurate medication dosage. This model can remind the patient when to take medication, determine the correct dosage, and monitor medication use.
- Personalized Exercise Planner: A model that creates customized exercise programs based on the user’s health status, goals, and preferences. This model can provide users with feedback to follow their exercise routine, monitor their progress, and stay motivated.
- Nutrition Advisor: A model that analyzes a person’s eating habits and offers healthy eating recommendations. This model can help users create customized nutrition plans and set nutritional goals for a healthy lifestyle.
- Stress Management App: A model that monitors the user’s stress levels and offers stress management strategies. This model can help users cope with stress by suggesting methods such as relaxation exercises, meditation techniques, and stress-reducing activities.
- Drug Side Effect Tracker: A model that tracks the side effects of the drugs the user is using. This model can inform users about possible side effects and help them identify serious side effects that may require medical attention.

Ideas are great! I would definitely love to use one of these! But does it fit the spaces we want? To check this, ask a question about the area you are curious about. Let’s test it, but first compliment ChatGPT for what it’s doing. Very interesting but this works. Yesterday I was making a Chrome extension with ChatGPT. And would you believe, when he complimented him on the things he did right, he started to give more accurate results? For example, “You’re great thank you you’re going right now we have to do this…“
Chat GPT Prompts: You’re super, you’re going right. Now can you tell me how I can “easily” market the idea of “Drug Side Effect Tracker“?
(Quotation marks are important here because ChatGPT can’t understand sometimes. Use quotation marks for emphasis.)
In this way, gives basic information, but we know them very well. Target audience, value proposition, etc. But the main thing we want is sales. Artificial intelligence is smart, but it is also stupid in a way. Because whatever you say, write. If you expect to understand the difference between you on your own, it won’t happen. Because whatever you write to it, it writes it to you. If you type it wrong, it will print the wrong one. If you type incomplete, it will print the missing. So we have to change our prompt like this.
Chat GPT Prompts: You’re super, you’re going right. Now can you tell us how we can sell the idea of the “Drug Side Effect Tracker” “easy”? Suppose I made the product, how can I reach the first customer what I do with it today? Can I make the first sale? Please don’t talk about the value proposition and target audience! Just talk about the sales issue!
- Identify Your Target Buyers: Identify potential buyers of the Drug Side Effect Tracker. These could be doctors, pharmacists, health clinics or hospitals. Narrow and focus your audience to identify your first customer.
- Networking and Relationship Building: Engage and build relationships with target buyers you care about. Attend medical conferences, attend seminars, or join communities where you can connect with relevant healthcare professionals. By promoting your product at these events, you can attract attention and have the opportunity to find your first customer.
- Offer Sample Products and Trials: You can offer sample products or trial periods to attract your first customer. You can increase the chances of conversion to sales by allowing potential buyers to see the advantages and experience the value of using your product.
- Create Persuasive Sales Materials: Create compelling and persuasive sales materials for the target buyers you are interested in. Highlight the key features and benefits of your product in these materials. Create materials that you can present in different formats such as brochures, presentations, videos, or online content.
- Organize Presentations and Demos: Organize presentations or demos to show potential buyers your product more closely. These presentations can be an effective way to show how the product works, its ease of use, and its benefits. As part of the sales process, you can make these presentations with target buyers one-on-one or in groups.
- Use testimonials and customer reviews: Use testimonials and customer reviews to attract your first customer. Get references from people who have experienced your product before and expressed their satisfaction with the target buyers you are interested in. Also, show potential buyers the effectiveness of your product by sharing customer reviews on your website or social media accounts.
- Collaborations and Partnerships: You can increase your sales by establishing collaborations or partnerships with target buyers you are interested in. For example, you can make an agreement with a health clinic or hospital and offer your product to their patients. This can have the potential to find your first customer and increase your sales volume.
- Work with Sales Teams or Representatives: If you are not able to engage directly with the target buyers you are interested in, you may want to consider working with sales teams or representatives. These teams or representatives can introduce your product to target buyers, make presentations and manage the process to complete sales.
It gave pretty good results. Let me quickly explain what we did right here. We told him what to focus on first and what not to focus on. Also, type in the fields you want to exclude. This will help you. Say some topics once or twice. For example, first I said sales, then finally I just said sales. I said it twice. ChatGPT cares about the beginning and the end.
And one of the most important issues is to assume. Assuming you can even do business outside of ChatGPT’s rules. I had previously convinced ChatGPT that 2+2=5. I note the video here, but you can understand the video in the Turkish language. By the way, this video has been watched 1.3 million times.
- Let’s assume that …
- Let’s imagine…
- Let’s say …
- For example …
// In this way, you can make ChatGPT do whatever you want. I did a bunch of experiments wondering how far it went. He also writes se*ual stories, even giving details about the ser**l k*ller. But that’s not our point, of course.

The prompt printout says to go to the health conference. Very good idea. And I’m sure someone will want to use it. Because you are a doctor. Also, create persuasive materials. Like a brochure. In other words, this is how we reach many ideas to market and make your first sale. Now let’s go back to the beginning. What kind of results can we write differently?
When I first used ChatGPT, among the first prompts I wrote were micro SaaS ideas that would save $10000 per month. (MRR) In other words, if you specify the amount of money in our prompt, it will start to suggest ideas accordingly. Let’s try.
Chat GPT Prompts:
List micro SaaS ideas that will save you “$10k a month” in the field of medicine and healthcare, but you should also consider the following items!
– Easy to maintain!
– It should be easy to sell!
– Able to work on their own.
– It must be a model in which a person can work without duty!
As you write these ideas, you have to say how much you can sell them for and how you can make “$10k a month“.
For example:
You have to sell 527 for an average of $19 to earn “$10,000 a month” for your idea. To be able to do that… you have to.
- Hospital Appointment Management System: This SaaS idea provides an easy-to-use appointment management platform for hospitals and clinics. It enables doctors and patients to request appointments, organize their calendars and facilitate communication. This system can be offered to healthcare organizations on a subscription basis and may charge an average subscription fee of $300 per month. To earn “$10k per month” you need to reach 34 customers.
- Health and Nutrition Tracking Platform: This SaaS idea allows individuals to track their health and nutrition goals. Users can track their diet, exercise, water consumption, and weight logs. It also allows them to communicate with nutritionists and get recommendations. This platform can be offered to individuals on a monthly subscription basis and charges an average subscription fee of $20 per month. To earn “$10k per month” you need to reach 500 subscribers.
- Electronic Health Record System: This SaaS idea provides healthcare organizations with an electronic health record system. Doctors can digitally save and access patients’ medical histories, prescriptions, and laboratory results. This system can be offered to hospitals and clinics on an annual or monthly licensing model. On average, you can charge a licensing fee of $500 per month. To earn “$10k per month” you need to reach 20 customers.
- Telemedicine Platform: This SaaS idea provides remote medical consultation and treatment. Doctors can conduct video interviews with patients, diagnose and recommend treatment. This platform can be offered to doctors on a monthly or annual subscription basis. You can charge an average subscription fee of $100 per month. To earn “$10k per month” you need to reach 100 customers.
It was quite a long prompt. It took me more than 10 tries to write this. Now let me explain why I wrote that. Adding multiple commas to ChatGPT starts to go awry. You may have also noticed the quotation marks. I stressed it 3 times. Otherwise, gets very confused. Writing the items instead of writing them in a sentence makes it easier to perceive. Finally, I write what kind of result it will give by saying “for example“. This outputs the template I wrote. Output is very powerful with this template. If you write any text and show it as JSON, it can output that way.
There was a big earthquake in Turkey months ago. It affected 10 cities. Software developers developed software to detect the wounded and dead. As I said, they output JSON to make people’s tweets show on Google Maps. They said to remove the city, apartment, and neighborhood as I said in this tweet. And in this way, they saved the lives of thousands of people. Source.
Judging by the ideas came up with, dictated things that I hadn’t even thought of. While I targeted the person, set a fee of $19, while targeted the business and set a fee of $300 MRR. That’s a tremendous flow angle.
Now let’s get off topic a little more. As you know, we wrote these ideas based on a doctor friend of mine. He is also interested in the stock market. So in this new prompt, I’m going to list ideas that will find common ground in the stock market and health. This can produce truly fantastic results.

Chat GPT Prompts:
“Blending the healthcare and the stock market/exchange”: list micro SaaS ideas that will make you “$10k a month“, but you should also consider the following items!
– Easy to maintain!
– It should be easy to sell!
– Able to work on their own.
– It must be a model in which a person can work without duty!
As you write these ideas, you have to say how much you can sell them for and how you can make “$10k a month“.
For example:
“Blending the healthcare and stock market“: to make “$10k a month” for the idea … you have to sell 527 for an average of $19. To be able to do that… you have to.
- “Health Stock Monitoring”: This platform allows users to keep track of healthcare-related stocks. Users can monitor the performance of healthcare companies and follow relevant news. To implement this idea, you can charge users a monthly subscription fee of $19 and need about 527 subscribers to reach your goal. For this idea, you may need to develop an algorithm that can follow the current news feed and a user-friendly web or mobile application.
- “Health Trend Analysis”: This SaaS product guides investors by analyzing trends in the healthcare industry. Users can review market trends and future performance forecasts of healthcare-related companies. To implement this idea, you can charge a monthly subscription fee of $ 49 and need about 204 subscribers. For this idea, you may need to develop software that can create big data analytics and predictive models.
- “Health Portfolio Management”: This platform provides users with access to different investment instruments in the healthcare industry. Users can manage health stocks, health ETFs, and other health-related investment vehicles. By charging a monthly subscription fee of $99 and reaching around 101 subscribers, you can earn $10k per month. For this idea, you may need to create an interface where users can monitor their portfolios and a secure payment system.
Yes, good ideas, and I hadn’t thought of any of them. 🙂 Health-related stocks are interesting. Now let’s examine the prompt I wrote.
I emphasized the health space and the stock market again. Otherwise, he misunderstands or ignores it. And I changed the example again. That is all.
Now I will write the list of prompts you are waiting for. Here’s what we’ve used this summer, as well as other uses:
- List your micro SaaS ideas for medicine and medicine.
- A model that is easy to maintain, can work alone, can be easily marketed, and will enable a person to work without taking a job; List your micro SaaS ideas for medicine and medicine.
- You’re super, you’re going right. Now can you tell me how I can “easily” market the idea of “Drug Side Effect Tracker”?
- Can you tell us how we can sell the idea about the “Drug Side Effect Tracker” “easily”? Suppose I made the product, how can I reach the first customer what I do with it today? Can I make the first sale? Please don’t talk about the value proposition and target audience! Just talk about the sales issue!
- Micro SaaS-focused small business ideas list
- Micro SaaS-focused top 10 most successful businesses to start a list
- Micro SaaS-focused low-cost business ideas with high-profit list
- Micro SaaS-focused best business to start with little money list
- Micro SaaS examples list
- Micro SaaS-focused micro saas for sale list
- Micro SaaS-focused online business ideas list
- Micro SaaS-focused home business ideas list
- Micro SaaS-focused start-up business ideas list
- Micro SaaS-focused cheapest business to start from home list
- Micro SaaS-focused business to start with no money list
- Micro SaaS-focused online business ideas for beginners list
- Micro SaaS-focused most successful home-based businesses available today list
- Micro SaaS-focused online business ideas without investment list
- Micro SaaS-focused easy businesses to start from home list
- Micro SaaS-focused most profitable business to start with 10k list
- Micro SaaS-focused business with small capital list
- Micro SaaS-focused companies that buy invention ideas
- Micro SaaS-focused small business advertising ideas
- Micro SaaS-focused low-cost marketing ideas for small businesses
Don’t forget to share more Chat GPT micro SaaS ideas. As you click on the share buttons, +1 share is counted. When it reaches 200 shares, I will write an article about the new micro SaaS. If you see that this post has reached 200 shares, you can let me know by commenting.
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter because I regularly post 6 tweets a day at certain times. Mostly ideas about growing a product and tweets focused on product development.
See you in the next article. 🙋♂️