It’s not too late to create Micro SaaS. I’ve researched Micro SaaS ideas for 2023 and I’m compiling them for you. This list will not be just classic stuff like other websites do. I will explain by referring to the cause-and-effect relationship of the ideas I have explained.

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We Will Fix the Remains of 2022 in 2023
As humanity, we are going through difficult times. The thing that tested us the most was Covid-19. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost due to Covid-19. We still haven’t completely recovered. This resulted in many side effects. Trade came to a standstill because people were unable to go to work. There were curfews. Because people couldn’t go to their jobs, businesses couldn’t make enough money and layoffs started. More recently, there have been mass layoffs on Twitter. And this continues in many areas. Y Combinator was one of the first to ring the emergency bells. Said that you can make layoffs to the companies under that. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) This situation led to an increase in prices in many countries in economic terms. Problems are still not resolved yet.
During the curfews, people accelerated their digitalization processes. While there is physical trust in many countries, this situation has shifted to digital. The time spent at home has increased. This brought loneliness. Many spiritually distressed people appeared. Our psychology is broken. We started to gain weight from being at home all the time. Along with weight, we also faced different health problems. These are all chain reactions.
In 2023, we will create new orders from the orders that were destroyed in 2022.
Micro SaaS Ideas 2023
We don’t need to reach hundreds of thousands, to begin with. It’s “Micro” SaaS after all. That’s why we can consider offering small solutions to big problems.
1) Unemployment
After layoffs, many people are trying to find work again. Tools can be developed to manage these processes. I’m out of work, what should I do? If you use this tool, you can manage the whole process. For example, you can offer suggestions such as saving money or looking for a job. I am not an expert on this subject, but if research, the development of tools for these processes would be an ideal life-saving tool for people who are out of work. A tool like a mentor teacher. 🙂
2) Freelancers
Outside of unemployment, some people are shifting to freelance jobs. In fact, this is something that has existed for years. If we look at the years, the number of freelancers is increasing day by day. According to Statista data, there is a significant increase in freelancer rates from 2014 to 2020. 1 There are 59 million freelancers in 2020. (They didn’t share the 2022 data.) However, if we look at the table until 2028, according to the estimates, this number will increase to 80 million in 2028. 2

3) Remote and Nomad
You can develop tools for working remotely and traveling, which we can now call a sub-category of the Freelance category. For this, either you travel or listen to the problems of people who have traveled before. For example, you can take a look at NomadList. You can contact the people there and develop products accordingly.

4) Turn Whales into Anchovy
Make small alternatives to big companies. An alternative to Excel is Airtable. You can make cheap alternatives for big companies or read their complaints online. Contact the people who wrote those complaints and sell your product.
5) Saving/Economy Tools
People also want to save money in their own homes. You can do this with simple methods. Someone I know has a home economics mobile app. He earns $500 per month. Don’t think about it in big things, you can think in smaller things.
6) IoT (Internet of Things)
Now devices can connect to the internet. You can take their data and offer integrated insights for people. When do you open the refrigerator? When were the lights turned on?
7) Storage
People are now uploading their pictures to the cloud. However, people may want to store them in the physical. It would be interesting if you could automatically upload pictures to a hard drive every time you enter the house. Or a cloud.
8) Print on Demand
Printing on demand is an interesting thing. The most interesting thing is that it has APIs. So you can print anything you design on a t-shirt. Or the text. For example, I have seen a tool that prints tweets on a t-shirt. Or implement an old Google tool. Send pictures added to Google Photos to people every month. I don’t know if it’s possible with Print on Demand, but it would be interesting.
9) Develop Twitter Products
Twitter has been very turbulent lately. However, products can still be improved. The last product I developed was a Twitter product and we earned at least $1000. 🙂 When I think of the Twitter product, I always think of BlackMagic. 🙂
10) Niche Automation Tools
You can make an automation tool created for only one platform. You don’t need to be the same as Zapier. You can only do it for one platform. I’ve seen 2 tools that do this. One was a focused automation tool for LinkedIn and the other for Reddit. They just focused there.
11) Develop Analysis Tools
It’s nice to see everything analyzed now. For fun, I used to make a tool that measures which words we use the most in people I talk to on WhatsApp. I was using the word “one“. 🙂 To give another example, the Rize tool I currently use. Rize offers you analysis by looking at your working style. It monitors which tool you clicked on, how much you used, and how much time you spent on which websites. It allows me to work more focused. (If you buy with my link, you will be giving me a 1 month’s usage right? 🙂)
12) Big Data
Data is everywhere now. You can make them meaningful. This is beyond analysis. It tells you how many tweets you’ve tweeted in the analysis. But with big data, you can measure the mood in tweets. Or you can see which people are following you with the most interest. Or consider B2B. Monitoring the behavior of competitors. Very precious. 🙂
13) OpenAI/GPT-3
People have been talking about artificial intelligence like crazy lately. I and my friend experimented one night with the AI Dall-E 2 APIs. When we wrote “cat beer ocean“, created a cat image for beer on the beach. 🙂 I have a friend who works with artificial intelligence. You can also use its Micro SaaS tool. A very useful thing, especially if you are interested in software. There is also an site. 🙂
14) Use APIs
There are many APIs on the internet. You can develop a lot of products with them. For example, there is APIListFun. There are a lot of weird APIs out there. Strange things that are useful or really unnecessary. For example, an API that displays a random fox. 🙂 I don’t know what you would do with it, but a recipe API does crazy things. My friend’s friend had made a Bible app with the Bible API. A simple example.
15) Open Source
Open-source products are still popular. There is even such a saying.
If you combine 3 open-source projects on Github, you make Micro SaaS.
Why shouldn’t we? 🙂 You can even develop additional features for open-source projects. For example, developing designs for Tailwind. Or for Laravel. I have friends who develop a design for Tailwind and then exit it. Their site is called Coming Soon Kit. They exited MicroAcquire.
16) Develop Airtable Products
You can re-build things that already exist for Airtable. For example, you can make a site builder for Airtable, like made for Notion. Or you could do something like Paytable. He is building the already existing payment infrastructure for Airtable. Very inspiring.
17) Make Products for Notion
I had previously developed a Notion product. I know a little about that and a new idea came to my mind last time. Looks like I’ll be going over Notion again. You go too. Sail to the Notion wind. You win too. For example, the idea of AI2NotionTemplate came to my mind recently. OpenAI and Notion template. I think it’s a good idea. 🙂
18) Develop Slack Products
Slack itself already has an inspiring story. And companies around the world still use Slack. Develop Slack tools for companies. The last time I saw the Slack tool, it was a tool that measures the motivation of the employees in the company.
19) Make Privacy-Priority Products
Get an existing product again. Reposition it for private. The best example of this is Plausible. It came out as a privacy alternative to Google Analytics, and yes, it sells. Even the social network had its focus on privacy. His name was Ello. I really loved your design. 🙂 The privacy-focused thing still sells.
20) Google Spreadsheets
Although Airtable exists, the world still uses Excel and Google Sheets. You can develop plugins for them or products that work with those tools. The best idea for this product is sheet2site. A tool that allows you to build a site with Google tables.
21) Make Alternatives to Failed Vehicles
Some vehicles are closing. This is Google’s favorite habit. 😀 Make alternatives to products that are closed, newly closed, or about to close. Let people who use it pass it on to you. Let it be your customer. Extract opportunities from crises. You can also use transition tools. For example, let’s say Notion is closed, people will want to switch to Obsidian. Then develop a tool to export Notion notes to Obsidian.
22) WordPress Ecosystem
WordPress is still used on the internet. This blog is built on WordPress. You can develop plugins, themes, or tools to make them. There are still people in the world who will buy. The majority of agencies continue to use WordPress. You can develop tools for their needs.
23) Develop Shopify Based Products
The Shopify site is very active. With the addition of YouTube channels, it started to develop and grow. Tools can now be developed for users within Shopify. It’s a very hungry market.
24) Webflow
You can develop tools through Webflow, such as WordPress. It can even be done in NoCode MicroSaaS with Memberful and Webflow.
Framer has a hungry marketplace like Shopify. You can adapt standard things in there. You can adapt classic WordPress plugins there. These come to mind.
26) Develop Figma Tools
Develop tools that can be used with Figma. I can give Anima as an example. It is a tool that can transform your designs into websites with Figma. Even more, crazy things can be done. It feels like a little Canva could be done. Or posting on Twitter or Instagram when you make Figma designs. It could be interesting.
27) Developing Products That Facilitate Content Production
We all use social networking and some of us use it professionally. Streamlining the work of professionals saves you money. Try to automate the complexities in the process.
28) SEO Tools
SEO is still used. It will be used all the time. You can develop an SEO tool. For this, you can take APIs as an example or develop tools that provide direction and guidance. It’s not a complete example, but I can cite Tweethunter as an example. Listed the viral tweets. List your SEO keywords too. 🙂
29) Psychology, Mental Health, and Meditation
After being confined to homes, most of us have deteriorated psychologically. Meditation practices have started to be used a lot. We can develop tools for this. For example, meditation tools for Founders. It’s a niche area. Or a psychology tool for software developers. I planted the idea in your mind. You have the rest. 🙂
30) Widget for Ecommerce Sites
A friend of mine developed widgets for e-commerce sites. It will be launched in 2023. Although it is a very simple thing, it has already found customers. There is still a need. There is still a need for tools that do very small jobs.
31) Cheap Alternative to Expensive, Quality Alternative to Cheap
You can make inexpensive versions of expensive products. Or you can make quality versions of cheap or free tools.
32) Community Building Sites
The world is shifting to communities rather than individuals. Community tools also come to the fore at this point. There is Discourse as an alternative to the classic forum sites. Discourse has Slack or Discord as an alternative. Instead of Discord, there is Telegram. All for managing communities. Recently there is the more well-known Mastodon. Or there’s the Circle. These are all community sites. You too can make your small community site and start charging. For example, among my ideas was the idea of TinyCommunity. Forum site that can work in the most basic logic. Incredibly simple. I like community management tools. Maybe I’ll even do it in the future. If you want to be notified when I do it, you can follow my newsletter. I share when I have new projects there.
33) NFT
It is one of the industries that are growing like crazy in NFT. You don’t need to do NFT. You can make tools that make it easy to do NFT. For example, there are characters in different combinations. After your customers add the character traits, convert them into combinations with your software and convert them to the uploaded format. You solve the case without the need to upload it to the blockchain network.
34) Blockchain
You can also add products to the blockchain network or do things specific to the blockchain, just like in the NFT example. Or you apply Blockchain technology to your product.
35) Eco-Friendly Technologies
One of the facts that are still overlooked is global warming. If you make eco-friendly technologies, there will be people who use them. Even I can use it. To give an example of eco-friendly, simple vehicles that will prevent unnecessary water consumption and fewer electricity bills. If we look at this for B2B, you can develop tools to cut company expenses.
36) Space Technologies
You can say that space is very irrelevant with Micro SaaS. But consider the possibilities. There are lots of APIs. There is a lot of open-source code. Can space technology be produced with these? In fact, the most important question is what do they need in space technologies? If these are detected, I believe you have suggestions to solve them. As a space technology, I think of a vehicle I saw on Kickstarter. Light-sensitive camera. It automatically took pictures when lightning struck. I learned that used it to photograph NASA rockets flying.
37) Security
Reposition new security technologies on existing things. For example, I recently saw the feature of logging in without a password. It’s not like the Connect keys. You just write your e-mail address and the link goes to your e-mail. You click the link and log in. Such a technology has been developed. Think differently, do you know how many companies would buy it if you made a tool that detects fishing? I can’t believe it. 🙂
38) Teaching Coding
Teaching coding for kids, teens, or adults. I read somewhere that most education in the world is on coding. But it is still needed. Because it is an action that teaches people to think.
39) Micro Education Sites
You can develop an alternative tool to Udemy. Or you can develop a tool that is a mix of Udemy and Netflix. Your own tutorials are published. originals. The aim is to have half an hour or a maximum of 2 hours of training here. I myself have published tutorials on Udemy. I assure you no one watches all 5 hours. As an example of a Micro Education Site, I can give a friend’s site. MicroCourse Generator.
40) Smart Watches
There are still few gadgets for smartwatches. There are many things that are needed, but no one does them. There is an incredibly hungry market. Go do it. Visit the smartwatch online store. You’ll go crazy when you see what’s missing.
41) Mobile Games
Mobile games are very popular. Gaming companies are getting investments every day. Develop tools for mobile game companies. I’m not saying make games, I’m saying produce tools for games.
42) Build Game Engine
I’m not saying to be Unity or Unreal, but making a small game engine can bring you to different points. It would be great, especially if a mobile game could be made. You first print out the mobile game, then add a payment system in the future, and you get a commission from each payment. 🙂 Also, there are almost no games for smartwatches. Keep this in the back of your mind. Game engine positioning for smartwatches may go beyond micro clocks. Even Apple can buy you.
43) Cloud Technologies
There are still sectors that are not digitized. You can digitize them and move them to the cloud. For this, you have to observe your surroundings well.
44) Different Cultures Around the World
Different cultures may have different needs. As you research cultures, you can also make products that will meet their needs. For example, I heard that in Japan and Korea, people like to collect. Or I heard that gold is loved in Dubai. For example, if I bought a domain like, I could try to sell a subdomain. 😀
45) Learning a Language
The global language in the world is English and people are pouring tons of money to learn English. You can develop tools for these processes.
46) Audio Technologies
There are still a few tools made for Alexa and Google Home. There is also a hungry market there. It’s also on fire with tools like Descript. What to do with the APIs of these tools? 🤔
47) Stock Pictures and Videos
Unsplash has free stock photos. And it has APIs too. Canva uses these APIs for example. Do you think Canva employees took all the pictures on Canva? No! They feed the system with such APIs. You too can make your own little Canva and feed it with Unsplash APIs. Or you can design different tools for stock products.
48) Web3 and Web3 Migration Tool
You can make Web2 tools migrate to Web3 more easily. You don’t need to focus on all of them. You can start with simple things. You can only focus on one area. You can position yourself that way.
49) Affiliate
You can measure that side or provide insights using Affiliate APIs. If there was such a tool, I would personally use it. Because I want to publish affiliate products on this blog. 🙂
50) Advertising Technologies
Advertisers are increasing day by day. And not all of these advertisers are smart advertisers. In other words, they advertise directly without a strategy. They are giving false advertisements and wasting money for nothing. I’ve seen a lot of these. For example, an amateur rapper friend of mine advertised the rap clip directly. I was very surprised because he didn’t target all. Even if I told him, he didn’t understand. The audience that the ad will reach is around 10%. 90% of his money is on fire due to wrong targeting and he can’t see it. Interesting.
51) Visualization of Data
Visualization of some data is needed. I can point this out to statistical institutions in the most obvious way. Instead of saying something like 90% of men and 10% of women, showing it as a pie slice or showing it in a graph means presenting it separately. For example, you can visualize Twitter analytics and report it. Companies love reports. 🙂
52) Develop NoCode Product
Develop products that NoCoders will use. If you look a little closer some tools still don’t work as NoCode. You can convert them to Nocode. Or you can make alternatives.
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