Why Did I Stop Kaizen?

Product development varies from person to person, and I have my methods. I use several scientific techniques in this regard, but I have to make an announcement: I am leaving the Kaizen technique now.

I was developing an MVP product and improving it piece by piece with feedback. Only one feedback made me think long and hard. Finally, I realized that people want to see fireworks. No one is interested in gunpowder.

I dated a girl in university, but I broke up with her because I had broken the magic of things. In a song, the singer said something like, “Why are you like this and why are you like that?” When I proved it scientifically, the magic was broken. I saw this in people in the following years. People like the result. They don’t like the process.

Something small in the process frames you that way in their minds, and they never change that frame. Whenever they frame you as “someone who makes bad products,” you can never change it. You can make good work all you want, but to him, you are bad.

People like to be under the spell. People like to be deceived. Like illusion. Like magic. People may pay to be deceived, but very few, if any, don’t like it.

I used to create a simple structure in my products and build on it over time with a built-in public. But the disadvantage of this is that when something happens that is not there or when a bug comes out, it is framed as if it is always buggy. Today, even the world’s giant technology companies have bugs. Unfortunately, people personalize it. Maybe they take it easy. I don’t know.

I only know one thing. People want to be mesmerized. They don’t care about the rest. Then there’s no point in persisting. How can I build something that touches people’s lives if no one will use it? How can it be if it doesn’t?

As a result, I’m giving up Kaizen. I know what Kaizen is, but I don’t think it is enough on its own. I don’t think Kaizen should be public. Convince me otherwise.

I understand Steve Jobs better now. Products should only be introduced at launch. Before that, it should be kept in strict secrecy. Because it loses its magic.